Horses and Humans
becoming the kind of human a horse seeks to be with
© (Andrew-Glyn Smail), 2023

When Horses Speak and Humans Listen

In their own unique way horses “speak” and have been “speaking” to humans for centuries, yet most have chosen not to “listen” to them. Instead, humans have insisted on speaking rather than listening, on telling horses what to do or not to, how to do or not do it and when. And humans have done so not only with their voice but also with an array of metal, leather and plastic devices many of which would not look out of place in a sadomasochistic dungeon or a torture chamber of the Spanish Inquisition. Ten years ago I saw a video of a young man astride a chestnut gelding speeding down a dusty track through a hilly forest in the midst of a herd of riderless horses. The horse was not restrained by a single shred of tack, nor were they urged on with any form of tool. Horse and human moved as one and it was clear that their connection and communication was complete. The horse trusted the human for guidance and the human trusted the horse with his life. And at that very moment, I knew that such a relationship was what I sought with a horse and so I went in search of it. In the decade that has passed since then, I have learned to listen to horses speak through their movements, their expressions and ultimately their energy along with much that has been recorded about them. Listening to horses speak has changed my life and taught me a great deal. This book contains a little of what I have learned from horses while listening to them speak. And much of it is startlingly different from what we take for granted.


When Horses Speak and Humans Listen, a cumulative article series by Andrew- Glyn Smail, is based on the quest for real meaning through questioning existing information about the horse and about ourselves. Developing a deepening relationship with horses through unfiltered observation, personal reflection and turning varied, comprehensive, scientific studies from intellectual knowledge into real feeling, realizations, and joy through real experiences with horses. As with the author of this personal book, his study and revelations about the elusive trust and relationship that is possible may change your life and outlook in seeing the emotional and intellectual possibilities in horses. (Michael Bevilacqua, author of Beyond the Dream Horse)


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